Membership Categories
Class A - Practicing Nurses: LPN, NP, RN, RPN (voting)
An individual practicing nurse who is registered with a ‘Nursing College’. Class A members, have the right to vote on all matters of the Association. Membership term is for one year, and subject to renewal in accordance with the policies of the Association.
Class B - Non-Practicing (LPN, NP, RN, RPN) + Student Nurses (voting)
An individual nurse; who meet any of the following criteria:
a) non-active nurse (including former registrants and non-practising nurses as defined by their colleges)
b) undergraduate student nurses (including those with employed student nurse registration and provisional registration).
Membership term is for one year, and subject to renewal in accordance with the policies of the Association.
Class C - Non-Nursing Professionals (voting)
Are individuals from a non-nursing professional industry* and are interested in supporting the objectives of
the Association. They have the right to vote on all matters of the Association. Membership term is for one
year, and subject to renewal in accordance with the policies of the Association.
Category C members cannot hold positions as President or Vice-President, and may hold no more than 40% of
Board positions.
*such as healthcare, technology, lobbying, law, finance, accounting, development, human resources,
banking, insurance, others TBD
Class D - Representative from Nursing Associations or
Organizations (non-voting)
Class E - Industry Corporations (non-voting)